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avatar-cropper 头像裁剪


const chooseAvatar = () => {
			// 关于此路径,请见下方"注意事项"
			url: 'components/avatar-cropper/avatar-cropper',
			// 内部已设置以下默认参数值,可不传这些参数
			params: {
				// 输出图片宽度,高等于宽,单位px
				destWidth: 300,
				// 裁剪框宽度,高等于宽,单位px
				rectWidth: 300,
				// 输出的图片类型,如果'png'类型发现裁剪的图片太大,改成"jpg"即可
				fileType: 'jpg',

onLoad(() => {
		uni.$on('uAvatarCropper', path => {
			// 可以在此上传到服务端

	onUnload(() => {


	<view class="content">
		<view class="cropper-wrapper" :style="{ height: cropperOpt.height + 'px' }">
			<canvas class="cropper" :disable-scroll="true" @touchstart="touchStart" @touchmove="touchMove"
				:style="{ width: cropperOpt.width, height: cropperOpt.height, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)' }"
				canvas-id="cropper" id="cropper"></canvas>
			<canvas class="cropper" :disable-scroll="true" :style="{
					position: 'fixed',
					top: `-${cropperOpt.width * cropperOpt.pixelRatio}px`,
					left: `-${cropperOpt.height * cropperOpt.pixelRatio}px`,
					width: `${cropperOpt.width * cropperOpt.pixelRatio}px`,
					height: `${cropperOpt.height * cropperOpt.pixelRatio}`
				}" canvas-id="targetId" id="targetId"></canvas>
		<view class="cropper-buttons safe-area-padding" :style="{ height: bottomNavHeight + 'px' }">
			<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
			<view class="upload" @tap="uploadTap">选择图片</view>
			<!-- #endif -->
			<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
			<view class="upload" @tap="uploadTap">重新选择</view>
			<!-- #endif -->
			<view class="getCropperImage" @tap="getCropperImage(false)">确定</view>

	import WeCropper from './weCropper.js';
	export default {
		props: {
			// 裁剪矩形框的样式,其中可包含的属性为lineWidth-边框宽度(单位rpx),color: 边框颜色,
			// mask-遮罩颜色,一般设置为一个rgba的透明度,如"rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)"
			boundStyle: {
				type: Object,
				default () {
					return {
						lineWidth: 4,
						borderColor: 'rgb(245, 245, 245)',
						mask: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35)'
			// // 裁剪框宽度,单位rpx
			// rectWidth: {
			// 	type: [String, Number],
			// 	default: 400
			// },
			// // 裁剪框高度,单位rpx
			// rectHeight: {
			// 	type: [String, Number],
			// 	default: 400
			// },
			// // 输出图片宽度,单位rpx
			// destWidth: {
			// 	type: [String, Number],
			// 	default: 400
			// },
			// // 输出图片高度,单位rpx
			// destHeight: {
			// 	type: [String, Number],
			// 	default: 400
			// },
			// // 输出的图片类型,如果发现裁剪的图片很大,可能是因为设置为了"png",改成"jpg"即可
			// fileType: {
			// 	type: String,
			// 	default: 'jpg',
			// },
			// // 生成的图片质量
			// // H5上无效,目前不考虑使用此参数
			// quality: {
			// 	type: [Number, String],
			// 	default: 1
			// }
		data() {
			return {
				// 底部导航的高度
				bottomNavHeight: 50,
				originWidth: 200,
				width: 0,
				height: 0,
				cropperOpt: {
					id: 'cropper',
					targetId: 'targetCropper',
					pixelRatio: 1,
					width: 0,
					height: 0,
					scale: 2.5,
					zoom: 8,
					cut: {
						x: (this.width - this.originWidth) / 2,
						y: (this.height - this.originWidth) / 2,
						width: this.originWidth,
						height: this.originWidth
					boundStyle: {
						lineWidth: uni.upx2px(this.boundStyle.lineWidth),
						mask: this.boundStyle.mask,
						color: this.boundStyle.borderColor
				// 裁剪框和输出图片的尺寸,高度默认等于宽度
				// 输出图片宽度,单位px
				destWidth: 200,
				// 裁剪框宽度,单位px
				rectWidth: 200,
				// 输出的图片类型,如果'png'类型发现裁剪的图片太大,改成"jpg"即可
				fileType: 'jpg',
				src: '', // 选择的图片路径,用于在点击确定时,判断是否选择了图片
		onLoad(option) {
			let rectInfo = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
			this.width = rectInfo.windowWidth;
			this.height = rectInfo.windowHeight - this.bottomNavHeight;
			this.cropperOpt.width = this.width;
			this.cropperOpt.height = this.height;
			this.cropperOpt.pixelRatio = rectInfo.pixelRatio;

			if (option.destWidth) this.destWidth = option.destWidth;
			if (option.rectWidth) {
				let rectWidth = Number(option.rectWidth);
				this.cropperOpt.cut = {
					x: (this.width - rectWidth) / 2,
					y: (this.height - rectWidth) / 2,
					width: rectWidth,
					height: rectWidth
			this.rectWidth = option.rectWidth;
			if (option.fileType) this.fileType = option.fileType;
			// 初始化
			this.cropper = new WeCropper(this.cropperOpt)
				.on('ready', ctx => {
					// wecropper is ready for work!
				.on('beforeImageLoad', ctx => {
					// before picture loaded, i can do something
				.on('imageLoad', ctx => {
					// picture loaded
				.on('beforeDraw', (ctx, instance) => {
					// before canvas draw,i can do something
			// 设置导航栏样式,以免用户在page.json中没有设置为黑色背景
				frontColor: '#ffffff',
				backgroundColor: '#000000'
				count: 1, // 默认9
				sizeType: ['compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
				sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有
				success: res => {
					this.src = res.tempFilePaths[0];
					//  获取裁剪图片资源后,给data添加src属性及其值
		methods: {
			touchStart(e) {
			touchMove(e) {
			touchEnd(e) {
			getCropperImage(isPre = false) {
				if (!this.src) return this.$u.toast('请先选择图片再裁剪');

				let cropper_opt = {
					destHeight: Number(this.destWidth), // uni.canvasToTempFilePath要求这些参数为数值
					destWidth: Number(this.destWidth),
					fileType: this.fileType
				this.cropper.getCropperImage(cropper_opt, (path, err) => {
					if (err) {
							title: '温馨提示',
							content: err.message
					} else {
						if (isPre) {
								current: '', // 当前显示图片的 http 链接
								urls: [path] // 需要预览的图片 http 链接列表
						} else {
							uni.$emit('uAvatarCropper', path);
								type: 'back'
			uploadTap() {
				const self = this;
					count: 1, // 默认9
					sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有
					sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有
					success: (res) => {
						self.src = res.tempFilePaths[0];
						//  获取裁剪图片资源后,给data添加src属性及其值


<style scoped lang="scss">
	@mixin vue-flex($direction: row) {
		/* #ifndef APP-NVUE */
		display: flex;
		flex-direction: $direction;
		/* #endif */

	.content {
		background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);

	.cropper {
		position: absolute;
		top: 0;
		left: 0;
		width: 100%;
		height: 100%;
		z-index: 11;

	.cropper-buttons {
		background-color: #000000;
		color: #eee;

	.cropper-wrapper {
		position: relative;
		@include vue-flex;
		flex-direction: row;
		justify-content: space-between;
		align-items: center;
		width: 100%;
		background-color: #000;

	.cropper-buttons {
		width: 100vw;
		@include vue-flex;
		flex-direction: row;
		justify-content: space-between;
		align-items: center;
		position: fixed;
		bottom: 0;
		left: 0;
		font-size: 28rpx;

	.cropper-buttons .upload,
	.cropper-buttons .getCropperImage {
		width: 50%;
		text-align: center;

	.cropper-buttons .upload {
		text-align: left;
		padding-left: 50rpx;

	.cropper-buttons .getCropperImage {
		text-align: right;
		padding-right: 50rpx;


 * we-cropper v1.3.9
 * (c) 2020 dlhandsome
 * @license MIT
'use strict';

var device = void 0;
var TOUCH_STATE = ['touchstarted', 'touchmoved', 'touchended'];

function firstLetterUpper(str) {
	return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1)

function setTouchState(instance) {
	var arg = [],
		len = arguments.length - 1;
	while (len-- > 0) arg[len] = arguments[len + 1];

	TOUCH_STATE.forEach(function(key, i) {
		if (arg[i] !== undefined) {
			instance[key] = arg[i];

function validator(instance, o) {
	Object.defineProperties(instance, o);

function getDevice() {
	if (!device) {
		device = uni.getSystemInfoSync();
	return device

var tmp = {};

var ref = getDevice();
var pixelRatio = ref.pixelRatio;

var DEFAULT = {
	id: {
		default: 'cropper',
		get: function get() {
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'string') {
				console.error(("id:" + value + " is invalid"));
			} = value;
	width: {
		default: 750,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.width
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'number') {
				console.error(("width:" + value + " is invalid"));
			tmp.width = value;
	height: {
		default: 750,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.height
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'number') {
				console.error(("height:" + value + " is invalid"));
			tmp.height = value;
	pixelRatio: {
		default: pixelRatio,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.pixelRatio
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'number') {
				console.error(("pixelRatio:" + value + " is invalid"));
			tmp.pixelRatio = value;
	scale: {
		default: 2.5,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.scale
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'number') {
				console.error(("scale:" + value + " is invalid"));
			tmp.scale = value;
	zoom: {
		default: 5,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.zoom
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'number') {
				console.error(("zoom:" + value + " is invalid"));
			} else if (value < 0 || value > 10) {
				console.error("zoom should be ranged in 0 ~ 10");
			tmp.zoom = value;
	src: {
		default: '',
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.src
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'string') {
				console.error(("src:" + value + " is invalid"));
			tmp.src = value;
	cut: {
		default: {},
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.cut
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'object') {
				console.error(("cut:" + value + " is invalid"));
			tmp.cut = value;
	boundStyle: {
		default: {},
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.boundStyle
		set: function set(value) {
			if (typeof(value) !== 'object') {
				console.error(("boundStyle:" + value + " is invalid"));
			tmp.boundStyle = value;
	onReady: {
		default: null,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.ready
		set: function set(value) {
			tmp.ready = value;
	onBeforeImageLoad: {
		default: null,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.beforeImageLoad
		set: function set(value) {
			tmp.beforeImageLoad = value;
	onImageLoad: {
		default: null,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.imageLoad
		set: function set(value) {
			tmp.imageLoad = value;
	onBeforeDraw: {
		default: null,
		get: function get() {
			return tmp.beforeDraw
		set: function set(value) {
			tmp.beforeDraw = value;

var ref$1 = getDevice();
var windowWidth = ref$1.windowWidth;

function prepare() {
	var self = this;

	// v1.4.0 版本中将不再自动绑定we-cropper实例
	self.attachPage = function() {
		var pages = getCurrentPages();
		// 获取到当前page上下文
		var pageContext = pages[pages.length - 1];
		// 把this依附在Page上下文的wecropper属性上,便于在page钩子函数中访问
		Object.defineProperty(pageContext, 'wecropper', {
			get: function get() {
					'Instance will not be automatically bound to the page after v1.4.0\n\n' +
					'Please use a custom instance name instead\n\n' +
					'Example: \n' +
					'this.mycropper = new WeCropper(options)\n\n' +
					'// ...\n' +
				return self
			configurable: true

	self.createCtx = function() {
		var id =;
		var targetId = self.targetId;

		if (id) {
			self.ctx = self.ctx || uni.createCanvasContext(id);
			self.targetCtx = self.targetCtx || uni.createCanvasContext(targetId);
		} else {
			console.error("constructor: create canvas context failed, 'id' must be valuable");

	self.deviceRadio = windowWidth / 750;

var commonjsGlobal = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !==
	'undefined' ? self : {};

function createCommonjsModule(fn, module) {
	return module = {
		exports: {}
	}, fn(module, module.exports), module.exports;

var tools = createCommonjsModule(function(module, exports) {
	 * String type check
	exports.isStr = function(v) {
		return typeof v === 'string';
	 * Number type check
	exports.isNum = function(v) {
		return typeof v === 'number';
	 * Array type check
	exports.isArr = Array.isArray;
	 * undefined type check
	exports.isUndef = function(v) {
		return v === undefined;

	exports.isTrue = function(v) {
		return v === true;

	exports.isFalse = function(v) {
		return v === false;
	 * Function type check
	exports.isFunc = function(v) {
		return typeof v === 'function';
	 * Quick object check - this is primarily used to tell
	 * Objects from primitive values when we know the value
	 * is a JSON-compliant type.
	exports.isObj = exports.isObject = function(obj) {
		return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object'

	 * Strict object type check. Only returns true
	 * for plain JavaScript objects.
	var _toString = Object.prototype.toString;
	exports.isPlainObject = function(obj) {
		return === '[object Object]'

	 * Check whether the object has the property.
	var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
	exports.hasOwn = function(obj, key) {
		return, key)

	 * Perform no operation.
	 * Stubbing args to make Flow happy without leaving useless transpiled code
	 * with (
	exports.noop = function(a, b, c) {};

	 * Check if val is a valid array index.
	exports.isValidArrayIndex = function(val) {
		var n = parseFloat(String(val));
		return n >= 0 && Math.floor(n) === n && isFinite(val)

var tools_7 = tools.isFunc;
var tools_10 = tools.isPlainObject;

var EVENT_TYPE = ['ready', 'beforeImageLoad', 'beforeDraw', 'imageLoad'];

function observer() {
	var self = this;

	self.on = function(event, fn) {
		if (EVENT_TYPE.indexOf(event) > -1) {
			if (tools_7(fn)) {
				event === 'ready' ?
					fn(self) :
					self[("on" + (firstLetterUpper(event)))] = fn;
		} else {
			console.error(("event: " + event + " is invalid"));
		return self

function wxPromise(fn) {
	return function(obj) {
		var args = [],
			len = arguments.length - 1;
		while (len-- > 0) args[len] = arguments[len + 1];

		if (obj === void 0) obj = {};
		return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
			obj.success = function(res) {
			}; = function(err) {
			fn.apply(void 0, [obj].concat(args));

function draw(ctx, reserve) {
	if (reserve === void 0) reserve = false;

	return new Promise(function(resolve) {
		ctx.draw(reserve, resolve);

var getImageInfo = wxPromise(uni.getImageInfo);

var canvasToTempFilePath = wxPromise(uni.canvasToTempFilePath);

var base64 = createCommonjsModule(function(module, exports) {
	/*! v0.1.0 by @mathias | MIT license */
	(function(root) {

		// Detect free variables `exports`.
		var freeExports = 'object' == 'object' && exports;

		// Detect free variable `module`.
		var freeModule = 'object' == 'object' && module &&
			module.exports == freeExports && module;

		// Detect free variable `global`, from Node.js or Browserified code, and use
		// it as `root`.
		var freeGlobal = typeof commonjsGlobal == 'object' && commonjsGlobal;
		if ( === freeGlobal || freeGlobal.window === freeGlobal) {
			root = freeGlobal;


		var InvalidCharacterError = function(message) {
			this.message = message;
		InvalidCharacterError.prototype = new Error; = 'InvalidCharacterError';

		var error = function(message) {
			// Note: the error messages used throughout this file match those used by
			// the native `atob`/`btoa` implementation in Chromium.
			throw new InvalidCharacterError(message);

		var TABLE = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
		var REGEX_SPACE_CHARACTERS = /[\t\n\f\r ]/g;

		// `decode` is designed to be fully compatible with `atob` as described in the
		// HTML Standard.
		// The optimized base64-decoding algorithm used is based on @atk’s excellent
		// implementation.
		var decode = function(input) {
			input = String(input)
				.replace(REGEX_SPACE_CHARACTERS, '');
			var length = input.length;
			if (length % 4 == 0) {
				input = input.replace(/==?$/, '');
				length = input.length;
			if (
				length % 4 == 1 ||
			) {
					'Invalid character: the string to be decoded is not correctly encoded.'
			var bitCounter = 0;
			var bitStorage;
			var buffer;
			var output = '';
			var position = -1;
			while (++position < length) {
				buffer = TABLE.indexOf(input.charAt(position));
				bitStorage = bitCounter % 4 ? bitStorage * 64 + buffer : buffer;
				// Unless this is the first of a group of 4 characters…
				if (bitCounter++ % 4) {
					// …convert the first 8 bits to a single ASCII character.
					output += String.fromCharCode(
						0xFF & bitStorage >> (-2 * bitCounter & 6)
			return output;

		// `encode` is designed to be fully compatible with `btoa` as described in the
		// HTML Standard:
		var encode = function(input) {
			input = String(input);
			if (/[^\0-\xFF]/.test(input)) {
				// Note: no need to special-case astral symbols here, as surrogates are
				// matched, and the input is supposed to only contain ASCII anyway.
					'The string to be encoded contains characters outside of the ' +
					'Latin1 range.'
			var padding = input.length % 3;
			var output = '';
			var position = -1;
			var a;
			var b;
			var c;
			var buffer;
			// Make sure any padding is handled outside of the loop.
			var length = input.length - padding;

			while (++position < length) {
				// Read three bytes, i.e. 24 bits.
				a = input.charCodeAt(position) << 16;
				b = input.charCodeAt(++position) << 8;
				c = input.charCodeAt(++position);
				buffer = a + b + c;
				// Turn the 24 bits into four chunks of 6 bits each, and append the
				// matching character for each of them to the output.
				output += (
					TABLE.charAt(buffer >> 18 & 0x3F) +
					TABLE.charAt(buffer >> 12 & 0x3F) +
					TABLE.charAt(buffer >> 6 & 0x3F) +
					TABLE.charAt(buffer & 0x3F)

			if (padding == 2) {
				a = input.charCodeAt(position) << 8;
				b = input.charCodeAt(++position);
				buffer = a + b;
				output += (
					TABLE.charAt(buffer >> 10) +
					TABLE.charAt((buffer >> 4) & 0x3F) +
					TABLE.charAt((buffer << 2) & 0x3F) +
			} else if (padding == 1) {
				buffer = input.charCodeAt(position);
				output += (
					TABLE.charAt(buffer >> 2) +
					TABLE.charAt((buffer << 4) & 0x3F) +

			return output;

		var base64 = {
			'encode': encode,
			'decode': decode,
			'version': '0.1.0'

		// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns
		// like the following:
		if (
			typeof undefined == 'function' &&
			typeof undefined.amd == 'object' &&
		) {
			undefined(function() {
				return base64;
		} else if (freeExports && !freeExports.nodeType) {
			if (freeModule) { // in Node.js or RingoJS v0.8.0+
				freeModule.exports = base64;
			} else { // in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0-
				for (var key in base64) {
					base64.hasOwnProperty(key) && (freeExports[key] = base64[key]);
		} else { // in Rhino or a web browser
			root.base64 = base64;


function makeURI(strData, type) {
	return 'data:' + type + ';base64,' + strData

function fixType(type) {
	type = type.toLowerCase().replace(/jpg/i, 'jpeg');
	var r = type.match(/png|jpeg|bmp|gif/)[0];
	return 'image/' + r

function encodeData(data) {
	var str = '';
	if (typeof data === 'string') {
		str = data;
	} else {
		for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
			str += String.fromCharCode(data[i]);
	return base64.encode(str)

 * 获取图像区域隐含的像素数据
 * @param canvasId canvas标识
 * @param x 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的左上角 x 坐标
 * @param y 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的左上角 y 坐标
 * @param width 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的宽度
 * @param height 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的高度
 * @param done 完成回调
function getImageData(canvasId, x, y, width, height, done) {
		canvasId: canvasId,
		x: x,
		y: y,
		width: width,
		height: height,
		success: function success(res) {
			done(res, null);
		fail: function fail(res) {
			done(null, res);

 * 生成bmp格式图片
 * 按照规则生成图片响应头和响应体
 * @param oData 用来描述 canvas 区域隐含的像素数据 { data, width, height } = oData
 * @returns {*} base64字符串
function genBitmapImage(oData) {
	var biWidth = oData.width;
	var biHeight = oData.height;
	var biSizeImage = biWidth * biHeight * 3;
	var bfSize = biSizeImage + 54; // total header size = 54 bytes

	//  typedef struct tagBITMAPFILEHEADER {
	//  	WORD bfType;
	//  	DWORD bfSize;
	//  	WORD bfReserved1;
	//  	WORD bfReserved2;
	//  	DWORD bfOffBits;
		// WORD bfType -- The file type signature; must be "BM"
		0x42, 0x4D,
		// DWORD bfSize -- The size, in bytes, of the bitmap file
		bfSize & 0xff, bfSize >> 8 & 0xff, bfSize >> 16 & 0xff, bfSize >> 24 & 0xff,
		// WORD bfReserved1 -- Reserved; must be zero
		0, 0,
		// WORD bfReserved2 -- Reserved; must be zero
		0, 0,
		// DWORD bfOffBits -- The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure to the bitmap bits.
		54, 0, 0, 0

	//  typedef struct tagBITMAPINFOHEADER {
	//  	DWORD biSize;
	//  	LONG  biWidth;
	//  	LONG  biHeight;
	//  	WORD  biPlanes;
	//  	WORD  biBitCount;
	//  	DWORD biCompression;
	//  	DWORD biSizeImage;
	//  	LONG  biXPelsPerMeter;
	//  	LONG  biYPelsPerMeter;
	//  	DWORD biClrUsed;
	//  	DWORD biClrImportant;
		// DWORD biSize -- The number of bytes required by the structure
		40, 0, 0, 0,
		// LONG biWidth -- The width of the bitmap, in pixels
		biWidth & 0xff, biWidth >> 8 & 0xff, biWidth >> 16 & 0xff, biWidth >> 24 & 0xff,
		// LONG biHeight -- The height of the bitmap, in pixels
		biHeight & 0xff, biHeight >> 8 & 0xff, biHeight >> 16 & 0xff, biHeight >> 24 & 0xff,
		// WORD biPlanes -- The number of planes for the target device. This value must be set to 1
		1, 0,
		// WORD biBitCount -- The number of bits-per-pixel, 24 bits-per-pixel -- the bitmap
		// has a maximum of 2^24 colors (16777216, Truecolor)
		24, 0,
		// DWORD biCompression -- The type of compression, BI_RGB (code 0) -- uncompressed
		0, 0, 0, 0,
		// DWORD biSizeImage -- The size, in bytes, of the image. This may be set to zero for BI_RGB bitmaps
		biSizeImage & 0xff, biSizeImage >> 8 & 0xff, biSizeImage >> 16 & 0xff, biSizeImage >> 24 & 0xff,
		// LONG biXPelsPerMeter, unused
		0, 0, 0, 0,
		// LONG biYPelsPerMeter, unused
		0, 0, 0, 0,
		// DWORD biClrUsed, the number of color indexes of palette, unused
		0, 0, 0, 0,
		// DWORD biClrImportant, unused
		0, 0, 0, 0

	var iPadding = (4 - ((biWidth * 3) % 4)) % 4;

	var aImgData =;

	var strPixelData = '';
	var biWidth4 = biWidth << 2;
	var y = biHeight;
	var fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;

	do {
		var iOffsetY = biWidth4 * (y - 1);
		var strPixelRow = '';
		for (var x = 0; x < biWidth; x++) {
			var iOffsetX = x << 2;
			strPixelRow += fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY + iOffsetX + 2]) +
				fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY + iOffsetX + 1]) +
				fromCharCode(aImgData[iOffsetY + iOffsetX]);

		for (var c = 0; c < iPadding; c++) {
			strPixelRow += String.fromCharCode(0);

		strPixelData += strPixelRow;
	} while (--y)

	var strEncoded = encodeData(BITMAPFILEHEADER.concat(BITMAPINFOHEADER)) + encodeData(strPixelData);

	return strEncoded

 * 转换为图片base64
 * @param canvasId canvas标识
 * @param x 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的左上角 x 坐标
 * @param y 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的左上角 y 坐标
 * @param width 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的宽度
 * @param height 将要被提取的图像数据矩形区域的高度
 * @param type 转换图片类型
 * @param done 完成回调
function convertToImage(canvasId, x, y, width, height, type, done) {
	if (done === void 0) done = function() {};

	if (type === undefined) {
		type = 'png';
	type = fixType(type);
	if (/bmp/.test(type)) {
		getImageData(canvasId, x, y, width, height, function(data, err) {
			var strData = genBitmapImage(data);
			tools_7(done) && done(makeURI(strData, 'image/' + type), err);
	} else {
		console.error('暂不支持生成\'' + type + '\'类型的base64图片');

var CanvasToBase64 = {
	convertToImage: convertToImage,
	// convertToPNG: function (width, height, done) {
	//   return convertToImage(width, height, 'png', done)
	// },
	// convertToJPEG: function (width, height, done) {
	//   return convertToImage(width, height, 'jpeg', done)
	// },
	// convertToGIF: function (width, height, done) {
	//   return convertToImage(width, height, 'gif', done)
	// },
	convertToBMP: function(ref, done) {
		if (ref === void 0) ref = {};
		var canvasId = ref.canvasId;
		var x = ref.x;
		var y = ref.y;
		var width = ref.width;
		var height = ref.height;
		if (done === void 0) done = function() {};

		return convertToImage(canvasId, x, y, width, height, 'bmp', done)

function methods() {
	var self = this;

	var boundWidth = self.width; // 裁剪框默认宽度,即整个画布宽度
	var boundHeight = self.height; // 裁剪框默认高度,即整个画布高度

	var id =;
	var targetId = self.targetId;
	var pixelRatio = self.pixelRatio;

	var ref = self.cut;
	var x = ref.x;
	if (x === void 0) x = 0;
	var y = ref.y;
	if (y === void 0) y = 0;
	var width = ref.width;
	if (width === void 0) width = boundWidth;
	var height = ref.height;
	if (height === void 0) height = boundHeight;

	self.updateCanvas = function(done) {
		if (self.croperTarget) {
			//  画布绘制图片
		tools_7(self.onBeforeDraw) && self.onBeforeDraw(self.ctx, self);

		self.setBoundStyle(self.boundStyle); //	设置边界样式

		self.ctx.draw(false, done);
		return self

	self.pushOrigin = self.pushOrign = function(src) {
		self.src = src;

		tools_7(self.onBeforeImageLoad) && self.onBeforeImageLoad(self.ctx, self);

		return getImageInfo({
				src: src
			.then(function(res) {
				var innerAspectRadio = res.width / res.height;
				var customAspectRadio = width / height;

				self.croperTarget = res.path;

				if (innerAspectRadio < customAspectRadio) {
					self.rectX = x;
					self.baseWidth = width;
					self.baseHeight = width / innerAspectRadio;
					self.rectY = y - Math.abs((height - self.baseHeight) / 2);
				} else {
					self.rectY = y;
					self.baseWidth = height * innerAspectRadio;
					self.baseHeight = height;
					self.rectX = x - Math.abs((width - self.baseWidth) / 2);

				self.imgLeft = self.rectX;
				self.imgTop = self.rectY;
				self.scaleWidth = self.baseWidth;
				self.scaleHeight = self.baseHeight;


				return new Promise(function(resolve) {
			.then(function() {
				tools_7(self.onImageLoad) && self.onImageLoad(self.ctx, self);

	self.removeImage = function() {
		self.src = '';
		self.croperTarget = '';
		return draw(self.ctx)

	self.getCropperBase64 = function(done) {
		if (done === void 0) done = function() {};

			canvasId: id,
			x: x,
			y: y,
			width: width,
			height: height
		}, done);

	self.getCropperImage = function(opt, fn) {
		var customOptions = opt;

		var canvasOptions = {
			canvasId: id,
			x: x,
			y: y,
			width: width,
			height: height

		var task = function() {
			return Promise.resolve();

		if (
			tools_10(customOptions) &&
		) {
			// original mode
			task = function() {
					self.imgLeft * pixelRatio,
					self.imgTop * pixelRatio,
					self.scaleWidth * pixelRatio,
					self.scaleHeight * pixelRatio

				canvasOptions = {
					canvasId: targetId,
					x: x * pixelRatio,
					y: y * pixelRatio,
					width: width * pixelRatio,
					height: height * pixelRatio

				return draw(self.targetCtx)

		return task()
			.then(function() {
				if (tools_10(customOptions)) {
					canvasOptions = Object.assign({}, canvasOptions, customOptions);

				if (tools_7(customOptions)) {
					fn = customOptions;

				var arg = canvasOptions.componentContext ? [canvasOptions, canvasOptions.componentContext] : [

				return canvasToTempFilePath.apply(null, arg)
			.then(function(res) {
				var tempFilePath = res.tempFilePath;

				return tools_7(fn) ?, tempFilePath, null) :
			.catch(function(err) {
				if (tools_7(fn)) {, null, err);
				} else {
					throw err

 * 获取最新缩放值
 * @param oldScale 上一次触摸结束后的缩放值
 * @param oldDistance 上一次触摸结束后的双指距离
 * @param zoom 缩放系数
 * @param touch0 第一指touch对象
 * @param touch1 第二指touch对象
 * @returns {*}
var getNewScale = function(oldScale, oldDistance, zoom, touch0, touch1) {
	var xMove, yMove, newDistance;
	// 计算二指最新距离
	xMove = Math.round(touch1.x - touch0.x);
	yMove = Math.round(touch1.y - touch0.y);
	newDistance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(xMove * xMove + yMove * yMove));

	return oldScale + 0.001 * zoom * (newDistance - oldDistance)

function update() {
	var self = this;

	if (!self.src) {

	self.__oneTouchStart = function(touch) {
		self.touchX0 = Math.round(touch.x);
		self.touchY0 = Math.round(touch.y);

	self.__oneTouchMove = function(touch) {
		var xMove, yMove;
		// 计算单指移动的距离
		if (self.touchended) {
			return self.updateCanvas()
		xMove = Math.round(touch.x - self.touchX0);
		yMove = Math.round(touch.y - self.touchY0);

		var imgLeft = Math.round(self.rectX + xMove);
		var imgTop = Math.round(self.rectY + yMove);

		self.outsideBound(imgLeft, imgTop);


	self.__twoTouchStart = function(touch0, touch1) {
		var xMove, yMove, oldDistance;

		self.touchX1 = Math.round(self.rectX + self.scaleWidth / 2);
		self.touchY1 = Math.round(self.rectY + self.scaleHeight / 2);

		// 计算两指距离
		xMove = Math.round(touch1.x - touch0.x);
		yMove = Math.round(touch1.y - touch0.y);
		oldDistance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(xMove * xMove + yMove * yMove));

		self.oldDistance = oldDistance;

	self.__twoTouchMove = function(touch0, touch1) {
		var oldScale = self.oldScale;
		var oldDistance = self.oldDistance;
		var scale = self.scale;
		var zoom = self.zoom;

		self.newScale = getNewScale(oldScale, oldDistance, zoom, touch0, touch1);

		//  设定缩放范围
		self.newScale <= 1 && (self.newScale = 1);
		self.newScale >= scale && (self.newScale = scale);

		self.scaleWidth = Math.round(self.newScale * self.baseWidth);
		self.scaleHeight = Math.round(self.newScale * self.baseHeight);
		var imgLeft = Math.round(self.touchX1 - self.scaleWidth / 2);
		var imgTop = Math.round(self.touchY1 - self.scaleHeight / 2);

		self.outsideBound(imgLeft, imgTop);


	self.__xtouchEnd = function() {
		self.oldScale = self.newScale;
		self.rectX = self.imgLeft;
		self.rectY = self.imgTop;

var handle = {
	//  图片手势初始监测
	touchStart: function touchStart(e) {
		var self = this;
		var ref = e.touches;
		var touch0 = ref[0];
		var touch1 = ref[1];

		if (!self.src) {

		setTouchState(self, true, null, null);

		// 计算第一个触摸点的位置,并参照改点进行缩放

		// 两指手势触发
		if (e.touches.length >= 2) {
			self.__twoTouchStart(touch0, touch1);

	//  图片手势动态缩放
	touchMove: function touchMove(e) {
		var self = this;
		var ref = e.touches;
		var touch0 = ref[0];
		var touch1 = ref[1];

		if (!self.src) {

		setTouchState(self, null, true);

		// 单指手势时触发
		if (e.touches.length === 1) {
		// 两指手势触发
		if (e.touches.length >= 2) {
			self.__twoTouchMove(touch0, touch1);

	touchEnd: function touchEnd(e) {
		var self = this;

		if (!self.src) {

		setTouchState(self, false, false, true);

function cut() {
	var self = this;
	var boundWidth = self.width; // 裁剪框默认宽度,即整个画布宽度
	var boundHeight = self.height;
	// 裁剪框默认高度,即整个画布高度
	var ref = self.cut;
	var x = ref.x;
	if (x === void 0) x = 0;
	var y = ref.y;
	if (y === void 0) y = 0;
	var width = ref.width;
	if (width === void 0) width = boundWidth;
	var height = ref.height;
	if (height === void 0) height = boundHeight;

	 * 设置边界
	 * @param imgLeft 图片左上角横坐标值
	 * @param imgTop 图片左上角纵坐标值
	self.outsideBound = function(imgLeft, imgTop) {
		self.imgLeft = imgLeft >= x ?
			x :
			self.scaleWidth + imgLeft - x <= width ?
			x + width - self.scaleWidth :

		self.imgTop = imgTop >= y ?
			y :
			self.scaleHeight + imgTop - y <= height ?
			y + height - self.scaleHeight :

	 * 设置边界样式
	 * @param color	边界颜色
	self.setBoundStyle = function(ref) {
		if (ref === void 0) ref = {};
		var color = ref.color;
		if (color === void 0) color = '#04b00f';
		var mask = ref.mask;
		if (mask === void 0) mask = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)';
		var lineWidth = ref.lineWidth;
		if (lineWidth === void 0) lineWidth = 1;

		var half = lineWidth / 2;
		var boundOption = [{
				start: {
					x: x - half,
					y: y + 10 - half
				step1: {
					x: x - half,
					y: y - half
				step2: {
					x: x + 10 - half,
					y: y - half
				start: {
					x: x - half,
					y: y + height - 10 + half
				step1: {
					x: x - half,
					y: y + height + half
				step2: {
					x: x + 10 - half,
					y: y + height + half
				start: {
					x: x + width - 10 + half,
					y: y - half
				step1: {
					x: x + width + half,
					y: y - half
				step2: {
					x: x + width + half,
					y: y + 10 - half
				start: {
					x: x + width + half,
					y: y + height - 10 + half
				step1: {
					x: x + width + half,
					y: y + height + half
				step2: {
					x: x + width - 10 + half,
					y: y + height + half

		// 绘制半透明层
		self.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, x, boundHeight);
		self.ctx.fillRect(x, 0, width, y);
		self.ctx.fillRect(x, y + height, width, boundHeight - y - height);
		self.ctx.fillRect(x + width, 0, boundWidth - x - width, boundHeight);

		boundOption.forEach(function(op) {
			self.ctx.moveTo(op.start.x, op.start.y);
			self.ctx.lineTo(op.step1.x, op.step1.y);
			self.ctx.lineTo(op.step2.x, op.step2.y);

var version = "1.3.9";

var WeCropper = function WeCropper(params) {
	var self = this;
	var _default = {};

	validator(self, DEFAULT);

	Object.keys(DEFAULT).forEach(function(key) {
		_default[key] = DEFAULT[key].default;
	Object.assign(self, _default, params);


	return self

WeCropper.prototype.init = function init() {
	var self = this;
	var src = self.src;

	self.version = version;

	typeof self.onReady === 'function' && self.onReady(self.ctx, self);

	if (src) {
	} else {
	setTouchState(self, false, false, false);

	self.oldScale = 1;
	self.newScale = 1;

	return self

Object.assign(WeCropper.prototype, handle);

WeCropper.prototype.prepare = prepare; = observer;
WeCropper.prototype.methods = methods;
WeCropper.prototype.cutt = cut;
WeCropper.prototype.update = update;

export default WeCropper;